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New Jersey Delays Reporting Requirements for 1094/1095

Yesterday New Jersey postponed the deadline for their new reporting requirement. Employers now have until May 15, 2020 to file electronically with New Jersey as indicated below in our original communication.

New Jersey Update: Additional Reporting Requirements for 1094/1095

As per New Jersey State Law, in addition to the original 1094/1095 filing requirements we communicated previously, New Jersey applicable large employers (ALE’s) and self-insured small groups MUST also file electronically with New Jersey by May 15, 2020 (extended from March 31, 2020). They will not accept paper filings.

For information on how to file electronically from New Jersey State click here.

As electronic filing is a new requirement, especially for 1094-B/1095-B (small group self insured filings) we are working with our carrier partners for more clarity on how each of them will be handling this requirement. At this time, there is no consistent approach across all carriers, so please be sure to discuss with your PGP Sales Representative for specific guidance on each case.

At this time New Jersey is the only state with a state specific filing requirement.

As a reminder below are the 2020 filing deadlines for 2019 coverage: 

ACA Requirement Deadline
1095 forms delivered to employees   March 2, 2020 (extended from Jan 31)
Paper filing with the IRS February 28, 2020
Electronic filing with the IRS March 31, 2020
New: Electronic filing with New Jersey State  (New Jersey ALE’s and Self-insured Small Groups) May 15, 2020 (extended from March 31, 2020)


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